Murmur of the Waves

by Peijia Hu

Born and raised in a seaside city, I have always had a special affinity with the sea. During my travels and study abroad, I realised that no sea can be exactly the same or replace each other: Each has its own story and conveys a unique emotion, yet sharing a deep connection in a certain way. Murmur of the waves includes images of the seas in the UK, Portugal and China, resonating with each other and hoping to capture the salty breeze, everything it embraces and all the memories lying within it.

Peijia is currently a third-year Media and Communications student at Goldsmiths. Using photography and video as main mediums, her work is mainly inspired by people and everything that connects them, exploring topics such as identity and trying to visualise subtle emotions that are often overlooked in our everyday life. In the meantime, she is also passionate about theatre production and is always looking for collaborations to bring new stories to the stage. She loves sunshine, puppies, lemongrass, colorful accessories, and lying down. She can be found on Instagram at @petakesphotos.