Getting lost/ Getting found

by Anna B.

This is a lighthearted piece on mental health. I think it’s good to at times make light of things that are innately dire, in a way that’s not insensitive. I personally love reading about other people’s experiences and thoughts on their own struggles and views on mental health, amongst other things. This is one of mine.

Anna has always had an interest in words, stories and all the different forms stories come in. Although she considers herself someone who’s still learning to write, she does try from time to time. Mostly short stories or a few lines she tries to rhyme. This is one of those times.


from the Editor

This is a very cute and lovely piece of poetry about connections with our brain, I relate to it a lot! It also speaks to me about the nervousness on the lack of knowledge on how brain works, and despite that I love that the poem ends in a positive note.

Ingrid (Squiddy)